Strategic Goals and Objectives

Overall Strategic Goal

To be an institutionalized vehicle for maximizing on the philanthropic giving of diverse US based support to Kenyan communities in promoting sustainable development.
FOKCDF-US will realize her mandate through the following three strategic goals;

Strategic Objective 1: To be a vehicle for organized giving by Kenyans and Friends of Kenya who want to support development for community members in Kenya that address a particular need of their choice. That may include and not limited to;

  • Kenyans in the diaspora from a particular county can mobilize resources to address an issue affecting that county that is of mutual concern e.g. education, infrastructure, disability, health, access to water, education scholarships, girl-child empowerment, youth issues etc.
  • Rallying small donations towards an issue of mutual interest affecting disadvantaged communities through crowdfunding.
  • Setting up of long-term funds (endowment) such as legacy or family funds towards an issue of choice such as disability, education scholarships, girl child empowerment, youth, enterprise development etc.

Strategic Objective 2: To advocate or connect grant money from other US funding sources (corporate foundations, families, religious groups etc.) to address key community development issues such as;

  • Grants towards education scholarships, livelihoods, vocational training of youth etc.
  • Growing entrepreneurial opportunities including opening markets for the poor.
  • Funds to support vulnerable groups like children, persons with disabilities, youth, women such as women groupings “chamas”, community leaders etc.

Strategic Objective 3: To be a vehicle for enhancing networking, learning and building linkages among areas of common interest, as well as drawing synergies from other like-minded partners in the US. Possible areas to achieve this goal may include;

  • Professional groups with a mutual interest affecting Kenyan communities and interested in leveraging on their knowledge and expertise to give back.
  • FOKCDF-US may facilitate or encourage convening’s between Kenyan interest groups and US based groups for mutual interest and possible collaborations with the US and may extend this to Kenyan based equivalent groups.