The hard work of researching organizations and figuring out where your donation can make the biggest impact can seem difficult.
FOKCDF-US offers you and givers similar to you an opportunity to pool your resources together within a circle towards a common identified cause.
FOKCDF-US Giving Circles will work to empower its audience to give collectively and effectively. Our priority is that the circles have the best collective giving experience possible.
You can bring your family, friends, alumni or colleagues together through different avenues such as fundraisers, social events or giving platforms to raise resources for an identified cause in Kenya.
The impact of giving is better when done together! Through giving circles, you get more connected, not just between your giving circles, but also with the recipients of your charitable gifts.
Come together, pick a passion or initiative, combine your resources, see your contribution serve community needs!
Group dynamics can vary from:
FOKCDF-US operates in an open and accessible manner that is designed to build trust and accountability. This is done by having a transparent process of identifying and ensuring your contribution is invested to serve the relevant community needs.
Additionally, in promoting sustainable community development, an advisory committee is set-up by the community to make decisions and see rightful use of funds received to meet the priority needs of their communities.
FOKCDF-US will provide oversight in ensuring partners continue to serve relevant community/societal needs.
Let us get you on the right track. Host or join a giving circle today!
The KCDF-US exists to meet human need wherever, whenever and however we can. When you give, you ensure that the people in your community get the help they need.