
Seventy percent of Kenya’s population is under 35 years of age, with a youth unemployment rate of more than 26%. The FOKCDF-US livelihoods programme seeks to provide a route out of poverty, not only for these young persons but in the long term, for entire communities.

The programme will empower the young persons persons by providing business development services, business coaching and business mentorship all with the goal of reducing the number of violence and crime cases, by engaging the young persons positively and preparing them for the job market.

The programme also seeks to improve the living standards of these young persons by training them on management of profitable small and micro-enterprise ventures (SME’s), equipping them with the necessary skills on financial literacy and providing linkages to successful entrepreneurs for business mentorship and continuous learning.

Your kind contribution can make a big difference for these young persons. Take a look at how your dollar can go a long way:

  • To support a young person through one session on entrepreneurship and mentorship skills training – $75
  • To support a young person through the required 10 sessions on entrepreneurship and mentorship skills training for 12 months – $750
  • To support a young person set-up their own business venture after successful training which has a verified profitable business plan – $200


FOKCDF-US will facilitate the entire process of identifying the young persons to go through the programme, grouping the young persons so as to enable ease of training facilitation on entrepreneurship skills and providing the appropriate business mentor linkage based on the nature of business or business idea. Additionally, the business ideas shall go through a rigorous verification process that involves a panel of judges that will ensure viability and profitability of the business idea and venture.

To see the kind of difference your kind donation can make to some of the young persons lives, take a look at some of their stories

Make a Donation

The KCDF-US exists to meet human need wherever, whenever and however we can. When you give, you ensure that the people in your community get the help they need.

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